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Treating a Hip Labral Tear

hip labral tear doctor

Understanding Treatment Options for a Hip Labral Tear with Hip Pain

A hip labral tear is one of the most common sporting or work injuries. It occurs when the labrum, a band of cartilage that helps stabilize the hip joint, is damaged. The hip joint is a ball-and-socket joint, with the femur (thigh bone) connecting to the ilium (pelvic girdle). The labrum serves as a cushion for the hip joint and prevents friction due to bone on bone contact.

Causes of a Hip Labral Tear

A labral tear is caused by trauma to the hip joint, this occurs during accidents or by taking heavy hits during sports. The repetitive motion of certain sports also leads to the wearing and tearing of the labrum surrounding the hip joint. Sports that involve twisting, turning and hip rotations can all lead to a hip labral tear. Structural deformities that a person is born with can increase the chances of a labral tear.

Hip Labral Tear Symptoms

The following are the most common symptoms of a hip labral tear.

You may experience sharp hip pain at the moment you tear the labrum. The pain may also radiate towards your groin and worsens when you perform physically demanding tasks.

A feeling of something getting caught in your hip, this kind of sensation may hinder your movement as it causes pain.

Stiffness in your hip can be a result of a torn labrum. Your range of motion may also be restricted due to the pain and stiffness.

Your hip may become progressively weaker, unable to bear the weight of your upper torso for extended periods.

Treatment for a Hip Labral Tear

An orthopedic doctor will properly diagnose you, using physical examination and observation, X-rays and MRI scans, as well as injecting an anesthetic into your hip joint to determine the origin of your hip pain.

The available treatment options for a hip labral tear are:

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) will help control swelling, pain, and inflammation in your hip. Cortisone steroid injections may also be injected into the hip joint to counter inflammation and manage pain.

An arthroscopic surgery may be necessary to repair the damaged labrum. Tiny surgical tools are used to make incisions to repair or remove the damaged cartilage in the hip.

Physical therapy may be recommended to properly condition the muscles in your core and lower body. This can help prevent recurrence of this hip injury.


Preventing a hip labral tear is not an easy task, due to the complicated structure of the hip. However, the following can help reduce the chances of a tear.

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