Cutting Edge Advances For Effective Spinal Fracture Treatment Options
Only a few decades ago a spinal fracture could seriously affect your future. Often a spinal fracture meant permanent paralysis. Today, there are many advanced surgical options, treatment plans, and therapies that can help to alleviate pain, and quickly get you back on your feet.
What Are Common Spinal Fractures?
A spinal fracture is pertaining to the spinal column of your back. Your back consists of vertebrae that are connected together, and allow you to move your torso forward and back, and side to side.
A fracture can involve the dislocation of one or more of the vertebrae or even the breaking of them. These bone fragments can cause excruciating pain in the back. They can pinch and damage your spinal nerves and your spinal cord.
Spinal fractures can be caused by car accidents, a bad fall at work, or other types of accident where force has been placed against the back. Many people will try to get up and walk away, saying they’re fine. Unfortunately, these types of injuries can worsen if they’re not properly treated.
First aid attendants will be quick to stabilize someone who has been injured at work or out in public, as early stages can help prevent further trauma to the back.
Benefits of Receiving Care from an Orthopaedic Surgeon
At Florida OrthoCare, even if you haven’t experienced any paralysis from your bad accident, and you have a good range of motion, you can still experience the benefits of receiving care from an orthopaedic surgeon.
An orthopaedic surgeon is one who specializes in the diseases and injuries of bones, muscles, and related structures. They’re highly experienced in performing surgery on your back to help alleviate pain, reduce swelling and inflammation, and restore full range of motion to your upper body again.
Another benefit of visiting a surgeon for advice is so you can get off painkillers. These painkillers may even keep you from returning to work, as you can’t take them and stay safe in your job. Painkillers can also cause issues such as depression, heartburn, and upset stomach.
Treatment Plans to Help Alleviate Pain
While surgery is one of the treatment plans your orthopedic surgeon may recommend, there are other non-invasive treatments too. These may involve special braces that prevent movement so your spinal column has a better chance of healing.
Anti-inflammatory medication may be prescribed to help reduce swelling and pain. Physiotherapy is also highly recommended, particularly if you’ve been bedridden for a long time, or haven’t been able to perform a wide range of motions. It’s also a necessary step for getting you back to work again.
If you’ve suffered a spinal fracture and feel that it’s not healing on its own, book an appointment today with one of Florida OrthoCare’s highly qualified orthopedic surgeons and spinal specialists. A simple surgery is often all that’s needed to remove minute particles of bone that are placing pressure on the nerves. An orthopedic specialist will also be able to recommend the best treatment plan to fit your schedule. Soon your lingering back pain will be a thing of the past. You’ll have full body movement restored so you can quickly resume your normal activities.
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