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Sprains and Strains

Medical Care for Sprains and Strains by an Orthopedic Specialist

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Dealing with a Golf Injuries: Picture

Dealing with a Golf Injuries:

Golfers, like athletes in any sport, face the risk of injury. Recognizing prevalent golf-related injuries and the interventions available from qualified orthopedic surgeons is essential for maintaining player health and performance for those living throughout Palm Beach, Martin, Broward Counties.

Stem Cell Therapy for Debilitating Pain Picture

Stem Cell Therapy for Debilitating Pain

What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Therapy Used in Orthopaedic Care Understanding Orthopaedic Care Options with Stem Cell Therapy Stem cell therapy has proven an amazing treatment option for people going through a lot of debilitating pain. From knee injury to spine pains and even shoulder pain, there is no pain that stem cell therapy cannot treat. Here, check out areas where stem cells are enjoying massive success. Stem Cell Spine Therapy Stem cell spine therapy is increasingly becoming an amazing treatment option for people with chronic spine pain and difficult to heal injuries. The interesting thing about …

Treating Growth Plate Fractures Picture

Treating Growth Plate Fractures

Growth Plate Growth Plate Fractures and Pediatrics As everyone knows, children do not come out of their mother’s fully grown. Throughout their lives, children grow a tremendous amount before becoming full fledged adults. One key component of this process is growth plates. Growth plates only exist in children and not adults due to the fact that over time they harden into solid bone. Before that, they exist as cartilage that is at the end of long bones, which are bones that run longer than they are wide. These are generally very important ones as they exist primarily in the arms …

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