What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Therapy Used in Orthopaedic Care
Understanding Orthopaedic Care Options with Stem Cell Therapy
Stem cell therapy has proven an amazing treatment option for people going through a lot of debilitating pain. From knee injury to spine pains and even shoulder pain, there is no pain that stem cell therapy cannot treat. Here, check out areas where stem cells are enjoying massive success.
Stem Cell Spine Therapy
Stem cell spine therapy is increasingly becoming an amazing treatment option for people with chronic spine pain and difficult to heal injuries. The interesting thing about this exciting treatment option is that it works without medications or other painful reconstructive surgeries. Stem cell spine therapy involves injecting stem cells into the spine especially around damaged nerves.
Stem Cell Disc Therapy
For people suffering from disc degeneration, we are sure you’ll agree that the pain from this condition can be very unbearable. But thanks to exciting treatments options like stem cell disc therapy, people with disc degeneration can go ahead to live a better life. This treatment option involves injecting stem cell into a degenerated cartilage, disc herniations or disc degeneration. Doing this has been reported to sponsor disc regeneration. And thankfully, there are lots of success stories with this treatment, so yours wouldn’t be different.
Stem Cell Joint Therapy
Stem cell therapy has been hailed as one of the best regenerative treatment options out there and has shown lots of promise in treating damaged joints and other joint pains over the years. For people who have had injuries to their cartilage, MCL ligaments or other forms of joint pain that are a result of previous injuries, you’ll be excited to know that stem cell joint therapy can help treat your condition.
Stem Cell Knee Therapy
For people with excruciating knee pain, stem cell knee therapy has proven as an amazing treatment option. Of course, the traditional treatment option that involves surgery has been used to treat knee injuries over the years; nevertheless, stem cell knee therapy is amazing because it requires no medication or surgery. This stem cell knee therapy only involves injecting adult stem cell into the affected knee to sponsor a regeneration of damaged nerves or tissue.
Stem Cell Shoulder Therapy
Without mincing words, a lot of people today suffer from excruciating shoulder pains which may have been the result of one injury or the other. Thankfully, stem cell shoulder therapy has proven as an amazing shoulder regenerative treatment that helps people deal with the pains from shoulder injuries. By injecting stem cells into the patient’s affected shoulders, patients can enjoy some form of relief.
Stem Cell Elbow Therapy
For people experiencing elbow pain, stem cell shoulder therapy has proven to be an excellent treatment option. With stem cell elbow therapies to the rescue, your elbow tendons and ligaments have never felt better. With this treatment, you may never have to rely on surgery to fix the pains you may be experiencing in your elbow.