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Common Golf Injuries and the Advantages of Visiting an Orthopedic Specialist Picture

Common Golf Injuries and the Advantages of Visiting an Orthopedic Specialist

With the help of an orthopedic specialist, golfers can address their injuries, recover faster, and return to the course with confidence and improved physical condition.

Treating Sports Injuries in Kids Picture

Treating Sports Injuries in Kids

Dealing with Sports and Injuries as a Parent For many parents, there is nothing as satisfying as seeing their kid run around a field playing a game they love. Sports teach numerous life skills, as well as helping to keep kids active and healthy, so it’s no small wonder why many parents sign their kids up for as many sports as they can. However, it is also no secret that sports can cause injury, and many parents find themselves watching on anxiously and wincing when something looks like it went wrong. Fortunately for all the fretful parents out there, children …

Top Myths about Arthritis: Knowing the Facts Can Help You Manage it Better Picture

Top Myths about Arthritis: Knowing the Facts Can Help You Manage it Better

Living with Arthritis Pain Arthritis is a painful condition that can make activities of daily living difficult, if not impossible.  Osteoarthritis, the most common form of the disease, affects millions of Americans and is caused by wear and tear on a joint. It often affects the knee or the hip.  Misconceptions about arthritis are prevalent, but knowing the facts can help people to better manage the disease. Here are the top myths and facts about arthritis:  1- MYTH: If you have arthritis, you shouldn’t exercise. FACT: It may seem counterintuitive, but the appropriate exercise can help many people feel better. Certain exercises, such as swimming or …

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