The Influence of Vitamin D on Spinal Fracture Recovery
Gain helpful tips about Vitamin D and the role Vitamin D plays in Spinal Health and Recovery. Teenagers active in sports require proper rest and treatment including Vitamin D in their diet.
Dealing with a Golf Injuries:
Golfers, like athletes in any sport, face the risk of injury. Recognizing prevalent golf-related injuries and the interventions available from qualified orthopedic surgeons is essential for maintaining player health and performance for those living throughout Palm Beach, Martin, Broward Counties.
Scoliosis is an important orthopedic condition for parents to be aware of with their child as millions of people in America currently are living with it. Scoliosis is a deformity of the spine that results in having an abnormal curvature. Instead of a straight spine, the spine of someone with scoliosis’ would appear to bend in an S or C shape when being looked at straight on.
Modern Advances Offer More Effective Spinal Fracture Options
Cutting Edge Advances For Effective Spinal Fracture Treatment Options Only a few decades ago a spinal fracture could seriously affect your future. Often a spinal fracture meant permanent paralysis. Today, there are many advanced surgical options, treatment plans, and therapies that can help to alleviate pain, and quickly get you back on your feet. What Are Common Spinal Fractures? A spinal fracture is pertaining to the spinal column of your back. Your back consists of vertebrae that are connected together, and allow you to move your torso forward and back, and side to side. A fracture can involve the dislocation …
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Why Disc-Related Back Pain Needs Immediate Treatment
Live with Back Pain or Not…Understanding Why Disc-Related Back Pain Needs Immediate Treatment There are different types of back pain. Some is caused by pain in muscles and tendons, and some in the joints. Sometimes internal organs are malfunctioning, leading to mysterious pain in the back. Even a skin allergy can make your back sore. But perhaps one of the most serious of back injuries are spinal disc problems that need herniated disk treatment. A bulging disk is a serious condition that can’t be ignored. What’s a Herniated or Slipped Disk? Your back consists of several vertebrae all connected together. …
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Stem Cell Therapy for Debilitating Pain
What You Need to Know About Stem Cell Therapy Used in Orthopaedic Care Understanding Orthopaedic Care Options with Stem Cell Therapy Stem cell therapy has proven an amazing treatment option for people going through a lot of debilitating pain. From knee injury to spine pains and even shoulder pain, there is no pain that stem cell therapy cannot treat. Here, check out areas where stem cells are enjoying massive success. Stem Cell Spine Therapy Stem cell spine therapy is increasingly becoming an amazing treatment option for people with chronic spine pain and difficult to heal injuries. The interesting thing about …
Orthopedic Care
Orthopedics: All You Need to Know As incredible as it appears, it is an established fact that more than 6.3 million fractures occur annually in the United States of America alone, and as many as 40% of these occur within the safety of the home. To compound this report, it is established that 85-90% of elderly people beyond 75 suffer from osteoarthritis. These medical conditions are critical as they directly impact the daily activities of the individual. To tackle these medical conditions, proper orthopaedic care was introduced and popularized a useful field of medicine. Orthopedic Treatment In parallel with its …
Spinal Fracture Treatment
Spinal Fracture Treatment Options with Orthopaedic Care Orthopaedic spine care has seen several advancements since the treatment and management of spinal fractures. Complicated spinal surgeries have been replaced by less invasive and more effective medical treatment plans. It is important for patients at Florida OrthoCare to have a better understanding of spinal fracture treatment options. There are two broad treatment options for spinal fractures: Non-Surgical Treatment Surgical Treatment Non-Surgical Treatment Plans For Spinal Fractures Nonsurgical spinal care is focused on managing pain, and restricting vertebrae motion, while the fractured vertebrae heals. Here are the nonsurgical treatment options available to you. …
Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options for Osteoarthritis
What is Osteoarthritis? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disorder that can affect every joint in the body. However, patients are most likely to notice symptoms in their spine, hips region, knees, and hands. Osteoarthritis occurs due the wear and tear of the cartilage at the end of your bones. This is the most rampant form of arthritis worldwide, with millions of people receiving treatment yearly. At Florida OrthoCare, our orthopedic surgeons treat and evaluate patients every day living with Osteoarthritis. By seeing one of our medical specialists, our goal is to treat your pain and help you return to an …
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Understanding Spinal Fusion Surgery
What Is Spinal Fusion Surgery & How It Can Help You? If you’ve experienced a bad work-related or vehicular-related accident, you may have suffered breaks or injuries in your vertebrae. The back takes a long time to heal. You may have reached the point where you need spinal fusion surgery. If you’ve been experiencing a lack of movement or excessive pain, there is much that a spine surgeon can offer. What is the Purpose of Spinal Fusion Surgery? Spinal fusion surgery focuses on the smaller bones in your back, also know as vertebra (single) or vertebrae (plural). During a bad …